A-Rod finally meets with Torre

Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez and Dodgers manager Joe Torre called a truce in their cold war Sunday night.

The two had what Rodriguez called a "nice exchange" behind the batting cage prior to the new York-L.A. series finale at Dodger Stadium. They spoke briefly as cameras rolled and reporters watched intently.

"You don’t want to let things linger," Rodriguez told the media afterward. "You don’t know when’s the next time Joe and I are going to see each other. And at the end of the day, I just wanted to be a gentleman and do the right thing."

Rodriguez seemed to shun Torre the first two days of the weekend series, apparently still upset over Torre’s portrayal of him in the former Bombers skipper’s book "The Yankee Years."

As for why he waited until Sunday, A-Rod replied: "It was a big zoo on Friday," referring to the parade of other Yankees who greeted Torre prior to the series opener. "I didn’t want to be caught up in that. It took me a couple of days to get my thoughts and I did that today."

So, what did the two talk about? "I won’t share what we said," Rodriguez answered.

Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez and Dodgers manager Joe Torre called a truce in their cold war Sunday night.

The two had what Rodriguez called a "nice exchange" behind the batting cage prior to the new York-L.A. series finale at Dodger Stadium. They spoke briefly as cameras rolled and reporters watched intently.

"You don’t want to let things linger," Rodriguez told the media afterward. "You don’t know when’s the next time Joe and I are going to see each other. And at the end of the day, I just wanted to be a gentleman and do the right thing."

Rodriguez seemed to shun Torre the first two days of the weekend series, apparently still upset over Torre’s portrayal of him in the former Bombers skipper’s book "The Yankee Years."

As for why he waited until Sunday, A-Rod replied: "It was a big zoo on Friday," referring to the parade of other Yankees who greeted Torre prior to the series opener. "I didn’t want to be caught up in that. It took me a couple of days to get my thoughts and I did that today."

So, what did the two talk about? "I won’t share what we said," Rodriguez answered.