Are Braves really putting Freddie Freeman at third? Or is it a Costanza-esque ruse?

The Braves’ best player took grounders at third base Wednesday. Is this really happening, or are the Braves, in the words of George Costanza, just “taking it up a notch?”

The Braves’ best player took grounders at third base Wednesday. Is this really happening, or are the Braves, in the words of George Costanza, just “taking it up a notch?”

June 20, 1987: When the Braves and Reds made me fall in love with baseball

It was on this day — June 20, 1987 — that I saw my first big-league game in person. I was only 11, but I remember the game as vividly as any I’ve ever attended.

It was on this day — June 20, 1987 — that I saw my first big-league game in person. I was only 11, but I remember the game as vividly as any I’ve ever attended.

3-year-old runs onto field, gets drafted by Nationals

The Nationals have drafted a kid after he ran onto the field during a play at the plate in the middle of the World Series. Those words, and that series of events, are technically accurate.

The Nationals have drafted a kid after he ran onto the field during a play at the plate in the middle of the World Series. Those words, and that series of events, are technically accurate.

In appreciation of Jim Thome and the quietest 600-homer career of all time

For every baseball aficionado who can easily name all members of the 600 Home Run Club, there are legions more who forget about Jim Thome’s offensive prowess.

For every baseball aficionado who can easily name all members of the 600 Home Run Club, there are legions more who forget about Jim Thome’s offensive prowess.