Pittsburghers should accept that Antonio Brown is more receiver than diva

It can be said without question that Antonio Brown embraces the role of wide receiver diva. But on the wide re-diva scale of 1-to-Terrell-Owens, however, Brown rates about a 2.

It can be said without question that Antonio Brown embraces the role of wide receiver diva. But on the wide re-diva scale of 1-to-Terrell-Owens, however, Brown rates about a 2.

Don’t think Mike Tomlin is worried about what Patriots heard in Antonio Brown video

Mike Tomlin apologized for a certain word he used in his postgame speech Sunday that was captured and aired by Antonio Brown. But that was the end of his apology.

Mike Tomlin apologized for a certain word he used in his postgame speech Sunday that was captured and aired by Antonio Brown. But that was the end of his apology.